Central Coast Writers Contest – Judging Criteria
The objective of each judge’s evaluation is to determine
one overall score from 0 to 50 for each entry (50 being the best possible
The following criteria are to be used in evaluating
each entry:
Use of the Theme 10 Points Possible
Originality and creativity
in interpretation and incorporation of the theme is demonstrated.
Plot and Story 10 Points Possible
The plot is plausible and complete within the limits of
the words allowed. The story is original
and compelling. The story arc is logical
and powerful.
Use of Language 10 Points Possible
Proper grammar is employed, strong
quality of writing is demonstrated, language is mined for maximum expression, use of slang
or cursing is not distracting, repeated words are minimized, word choices are
creative and effective, and figurative language (metaphor and simile) are fresh
and unique.
Emotional Impact 10 Points Possible
The story evokes emotion and allows for suspension of disbelief.
Narrative Voice and Content 10 Points Possible
The narrative voice is distinct and engaging and the point of view is effective and consistent. Any shifts in point of view are clear and intentional. The characters
are well developed in the narrative and are unique and interesting. The dialogue is convincing and fresh and reveals the character(s). The speakers are
identifiable. The description of the setting invokes an identifiable sense
of place and the descriptions are vivid.
Use of the Theme 10 Points Possible
Originality and creativity in
interpretation and incorporation of the theme (The Final Word) is revealed through plot, dialogue and visual
Structure 10 Points Possible
Effective use of three-act, odyssey,
linear or non-linear story structure is demonstrated. The layout is professional using industry
standard spec screenplay formatting, with proper spelling, punctuation and
grammar usage.
Narrative Voice and Content 10 Points Possible
The overall quality of the writing
is strong and the tone is appropriate to the material. The story is original and compelling and evokes emotion. The
narrative is distinct, cinematic, and effectively conveys the mood or “feel” of
the movie. The description of the setting invokes an
identifiable sense of place and the descriptions are vivid. The
action, sequence of events, conflicts, and turning points propel the story
forward. The timing of the action,
unfolding of plot elements and character development supports the plot.
Characters 10 Points Possible
The characters are well developed
in the narrative and are unique, Interesting, compelling, and multi-layered. The speakers are readily Identifiable, fully revealed and depicted with active goals.
Dialogue 10 Points Possible
The dialogue is natural, succinct,
and unique to each character and the point of view is effective and
consistent. Any shifts in point
of view are clear and
Use of language effectively reveals character, moves the story forward
and mined for maximum
Use of the Theme 10 Points Possible
Originality and creativity
in interpretation and incorporation of the theme is demonstrated.
Emotional Impact 10 Points Possible
The poem evokes emotion and allows for suspension of disbelief.
Message 10 Points Possible
The poem’s message is
unique, fresh, and moving.
Form and Flow 10 Points Possible
The poem is structured in a
powerful way on the page.
Use of Language 10 Points Possible
The language employed is mined for maximum expression, word choices are
creative and effective, figurative language (metaphor, simile etc.) are fresh
and unique.
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